La papaya, una fruta llena de falsos mitos

Papaya, a fruit filled with false myths

That fruit is healthy is something that we all know, it is the reason why its necessary to have them included in our diet. This time we are going to focus on one tropical fruit that we have heard of a lot, the Papaya. There are a lot of myths about this fruit such as that it’s a fat burner or that having too much of it is not good for the intestines, this is why we would like to take a closer look and find out what it really does for us.

I am sure we are all aware that it can be eaten either raw, through a juice or shake. Its an orange colored fruit with black seeds in its interior. It can be eaten at any time of the day but it is recommended to have it on an empty stomach given the following reasons:

High content of Papaina:

First of we are going to stop on an enzyme that contains this fruit known as Papaina. It’s a similar component to Pepsina, making it very efficient for the digestive  system. These enzymes can be found in our gastric juices which is why its consumption will improve our digestion and avoid issues such as heavy digestions, gases or gastritis….its ideal to have after large meals in order to improve digestion.

From a nutritional point of view, the papaya is very important as it contains high quantities of nutrients necessary for the organism such as high quantities of vitamin C, necessary to reinforce the immunological system and to avoid cellular degradation. To all of this we have to add its high content of beta carotenes  which are very important for the bodys tissues. It also contains minerals such as Potassium, Sodium, Phosphate, and Magnesium which give it a high nutritional value. It is also important to mention that its low caloric value along with Potassium and Sodium makes it fruit that helps us eliminate excess liquids avoiding the retention of these.

Stronger Masculine Fertilty:

Its sweet taste with a strong essence will improve the experience of having this fruit. Its important to take into account that Papaya can help increase masculine fertility given that its frequent consumption generates more sperm and a lot more resistant. So if we stop to think about it, it is all benefits with this fruit that we need to take more into account.

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